Getting SNAP

Am I eligible?

Project Bread's FoodSource Hotline


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Before you apply

Find out if you are eligible for SNAP

While there is not one single guideline that determines if a person is eligible for SNAP it is based primarily on household income and certain expenses. Most applicants will not be asked for proof of money in the bank or other resources.

If you could use help affording food, you should find out if you are eligible for SNAP!

Benefit Amounts

How much could I get?

This chart is only a guideline. More than just gross household income is used to calculate SNAP eligibility and benefit levels, including household expenses and other expenses. The best thing to do is call Project Bread's FoodSource Hotline at 1-800-645-8333 and ask a counselor to pre-screen you for SNAP. They will tell you if you are eligible and for how much* after all your income and expenses are taken into account. 

* Benefit amount determined is simply an estimate. Actual amounts will be determined by DTA when proofs are submitted and reviewed

It's important to realize, the "SNAP benefit amount" — money on your EBT card each month to purchase groceries — is not the only benefit to getting SNAP. There are more ways SNAP helps recipients go beyond just making ends meet. 

An information chart displaying household size, gross monthly income, and monthly maximum SNAP benefit amount. Starts Line

Before you apply

Verify you are eligible

Project Bread's FoodSource Hotline counselors will pre-screen you to determine if you are, or are not eligible for SNAP, before you spend your time applying. On average, this pre-screen takes Project Bread's counselors 15 minutes to complete. 

To learn if you are eligible for SNAP:

  • Use the Live Chat feature below to chat with a counselor online. 
  • Call Project Bread's FoodSouce Hotline at 1-800-645-8333 to chat with a counselor over the phone. 


Project Bread is non-profit that serves all Massachusetts residents, always free and confidential. 

What to Expect

Before you call

The more information you have before you call or chat Project Bread's FoodSource Hotline counselors to be pre-screened for SNAP to learn if you are eligible, the quicker the process will go.

It is helpful for you to have on hand:

  • Total household income- i.e. earnings, unemployment, disability benefits, child support, etc.
  • Monthly household expenses- Rent, mortgage, property taxes, home insurance (utilities are counted as a deduction but callers do not need to have the amount).
  • Other expenses that can be counted- Child support if there is a legal obligation to be paid out for a child/children that are not part of the SNAP household, childcare expenses (if you are working, in a training program, or looking for work), medical expenses only counted for seniors or households receiving a form of government disability benefits.

Household size

  • If you purchase food and prepare more than ⅔ of your meals together, you are a household.

  • When calculating your SNAP benefit level, all household members’ income and expenses are taken into account.

Project Bread is an official SNAP Outreach Partner of The Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA).

As a SNAP Outreach Partner of DTA, Project Bread's role is to make it easier for people in Massachusetts to get SNAP and help anyone having trouble applying.